Now on GitHub!

This project is now being tracked on GitHub: All updates will happen there first but it won't be packaged in .zip or .ipk3 formats, so anyone who wants -- for some reason -- to play the latest, possibly broken version, will have to package it themselves. It is not hard to do, just put all of the contents of the dreamscapes folder into a zip file (not the folder itself, only what's inside it), rename it to 'dreamscapes.ipk3' and replace the file with the same name in the game's folder.

Changes since last version:

  • Shard graphics updated;
  • Some dark areas were made brighter.

Not a lot of significant changes were made, but recreating the graphics for all 14 shards did take a while, even though half of them can't even be found in a normal playthrough yet. The current graphics aren't necessarily final yet but I don't intend on making any big changes to them, only some polishing.

A common complaint I received from playtesters was that some of the areas are way too dark, so I bumped up the lighting in some of them a little bit. Most areas that had a brightness below 80 will now have a brightness of 96 at the lowest. If the game is still to dark, the gamma can be increased a little bit for better visibility. Bear in mind the intended effect of the dark areas is to make it very difficult, nearly impossible to see clearly; so please don't increase the gamma too much, which will make the brighter areas blown out. Another important note is that a few places are pitch black on purpose, and increasing the gamma will not improve visibility in those places whatsoever.

Files 21 MB
Sep 02, 2024
dreamscapes.ipk3 8.4 MB
Sep 02, 2024

Get Maddy Dreamscapes

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